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[토익PDF] 빠른 정답 찾기를 위한 동의어 30

by hahehohoo 2020. 9. 24.


토익 동의어 30

1 begin initiate 시작하다
2 end terminate 끝내다
3 important significant 중요한
4 show demonstrate 보여주다
5 fast rapid 빠른
6 help assist 돕다
7 use utilize 사용하다
8 make create 만들다
9 buy purchase 구매하다
10 answer respond 답변하다
11 keep retain 유지하다
12 increase augment 증가하다
13 decrease diminish 감소하다
14 change alter 바꾸다
15 give provide 제공하다
16 find discover 발견하다
17 allow permit 허락하다
18 improve enhance 향상시키다
19 solve resolve 해결하다
20 plan arrange 계획하다
21 develop cultivate 개발하다
22 need require 필요하다
23 finish complete 완료하다
24 choose select 선택하다
25 gather collect 모으다
26 offer propose 제안하다
27 discuss debate 토론하다
28 examine inspect 검사하다
29 agree consent 동의하다
30 understand comprehend 이해하다



토익 예상 문제

Hello, I’m Katrina Morales, and I’m here to share with you some exciting news about an upgrade to our local tourism program that should appeal to a lot of our listeners. Tourists have often complained about the lack of reliable and up-to-date travel information. Accordingly, the City Tourism Authority has developed a mobile application where you can check the status of all city attractions and tour routes. This application will let you know exactly when the attraction will open and the estimated time to explore.


Q1. What is the main subject of the broadcast?
(A) A transit project
(B) A regional travel service
(C) A city festival
(D) A sharing application

Q2. What will the listeners now be able to do?
(A) Complain about the tourism program
(B) Develop their own mobile applications
(C) Look up some local attractions
(D) Upgrade the City Tourism Authority


해석 및 풀이

안녕하세요, 저는 카트리나 모랄레스입니다. 저는 많은 청취자들의 흥미를 끌 수 있는 우리 지역 관광 프로그램의 업그레이드에 대한 몇 가지 흥미로운 소식을 여러분과 공유하기 위해 여기에 왔습니다. 관광객들은 신뢰할 수 있고 최신의 여행 정보의 부족에 대해 종종 불만을 토로해왔습니다. 이에 따라 도시 관광청은 모든 도시 명소와 관광 경로의 상태를 확인할 수 있는 모바일 애플리케이션을 개발했습니다. 이 애플리케이션은 관광지가 정확히 언제 문을 열 것인지와 예상 탐험 시간을 알려줄 것입니다.


Q1. 정답: (B) 

패어프레이징: tourism program → travel service


Q2. 정답: (C) 
패어프레이징: check → look up



▼ 토익 독학을 위한 PDF자료 사이트 (아래 이미지 클릭)


